
Feb 1, 20172 min

Lillie Construction Notes

I made a costume based on Lillie from Pokemon Sun & Moon at the end of last year. Here's my quick run down on its construction!

Ah, cosplay… Here I am making a summer dress in the middle of winter. Maybe the short hours of sunlight contributed to my desire to make a costume for Lillie from Pokemon Sun and Moon (which is a really fun update to the game series, by the way!)

Lillie’s dress is very simple. Her outfit is a sleeveless A-Line dress with a Peter Pan collar. This would be a great project for a beginner cosplayer!
I decided to embellish the cosplay a little after seeing some very cute fan art of her with ruffles and big skirt volume. Sometimes it’s fun to play up simple costumes.

I started by drafting out an A-Line dress with princess seams from the shoulder and a V shaped neckline. I curved the hem so there would be 6 scallops total when the dress was assembled. I used a cotton stretch sateen for the dress.

After constructing the dress, I cut out and assembled the Peter Pan collar in lilac satin fabric. I created cuffs for her socks in a similar manner. After attaching the collar, I appliquéd the teardrop shapes to the dress hem using the same satin fabric. ​

My apologies for not ironing during these progress shots. YIKES.

​While I planned to wear a petticoat under the dress, I wanted the dress to have some shape on its own. I lined the hem with 1” horsehair to give it extra lift.

For Lillie’s hat, I bought the biggest brimmed sun hat I could find. I made a ribbon out of lilac satin to tie around the cap. I traced out the shape of the hat on to the satin to create a lining. The donut shaped lining was then attached to the underside of the hat’s brim with no-sew fusible tape.


The ruffles are lilac tulle petticoat that is just long enough to peek out from underneath the dress. I wore a second shorter petticoat under that to give the costume the poof I wanted.


The wig for Lillie is a Nina in Pale Blonde and long wefts in Pale Blonde from Arda Wigs. I cut it, straightened out the curls and added extra hair to the braids in the front of the wig.


Sadly, Lillie’s official replica bag is a Japan exclusive, so eBay was my only option for getting one here in the US in time for taking photos. ​That alone cost more than the materials to make the cosplay!

​All in all, this costume took me a few evenings to make & was an affordable project (minus the bag.)
​Here’s the end results!

This is a great weekend project for a Pokemon fan & a comfortable summer convention costume! If you are making this costume and have questions for me, leave a comment below.

Post Update:

This post has been relocated in its original form to my new website hosting in January 2021. Previous comments on the post were not migrated.
